The aim of the Employment Equity Act (hereinafter referred to as “the Act”) is to eradicate all forms of unfair discrimination in the labour market as well as to redress disadvantages emanating from past policies and, as far as possible, to ensure the accommodation of differences between people by introducing diversity in the workplace.
It must, however, be remembered that the Act is not about tokenism i.e. there is no obligation on employers to employ persons who are not suitably qualified. There is also no obligation to retrench existing staff or to create extra positions.
Employers will have to make a genuine commitment to giving equal opportunities to all diverse categories of people. To redress disadvantages, special provisions would have to be made in respect of previously disadvantaged groups.
Therefore the Act will:
• promote the constitutional right of equality and the exercise of true democracy
• eliminate unfair discrimination in employment
• ensure the implementation of employment equity to redress the effects of discrimination
• achieve a diverse workforce representative of all people
• promote economic development and efficiency in the workplace.
This Kit is designed to be a step-by-step guide to employers with particular reference to the following issues:
- A clear understanding of the Act and the applicability thereof insofar as designated employers are concerned
- Setting up of consultative committees
- Defining occupational levels
- Providing guidelines and forms on qualitative and quantitative analysis
- The employment equity plan
- Reporting to the Department of Employment and Labour.
Use RMI’s services!
Perhaps the best advice which we can give is that you make use of the labour relations services available from the RMI office in your area. A telephone call – before you take action against an employee – can only be to your advantage.
Johannesburg (011) 886 6300
Bloemfontein (051) 430 3294
Cape Town (021) 939 9440
Durban (031) 266 7031
Port Elizabeth (041) 364 0070
View the full EE kit here: