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Alternative Energy Solutions


On 26 October 2023 and 6 November 2023, the RMI hosted Webinars on Alternate Energy Solutions.

Mr Fouché Wiid of Smart Solar Africa presented the Webinars.

The purpose and aim of the webinars were to assist our members with an advocacy program on Alternative Energy Solutions to assist in combatting the devastating effects of the current load shedding on their businesses.

The webinars covered the following topics:

•          Solar Energy Basics

•          Batteries for Energy Storage

•          Super Hybrid Inverters and How They Work

•          Solar system Calculation

•          Economic Benefits of using alternate energy sources

•          Return on Investment (ROI)

•          Financing Options

•          Environmental Benefits

It was highlighted to members that Incorporating alternate energy systems into their business can lead to substantial cost savings, environmental benefits, and long-term sustainability.

Members were encouraged to embrace the power of alternate energy to secure a brighter, more sustainable future for their businesses.

Businesses were further cautioned that it is imperative that investments into alternate energy systems are done with a professional installer and proper due diligence is done before a final choice is made. It should be designed to the business’s specific needs to ensure that there are zero interruptions so that they may experience an optimal return on investment.

Both webinars were well attended and well received by members who advised that they found the content extremely informative, and they gained invaluable knowledge that will assist them greatly in regard to choosing from the various alternate energy solutions available.

For those members who were unable to attend either of the seminars we have attached links to the following:  

      • Recording of Webinar: below 

      • Alternate Energy Solutions Information Booklet (below)

    We encourage all members to download the recording and go through the booklet and presentation to gain the necessary knowledge and insights into this extremely pertinent topic.

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