Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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National Training Seminars

RMI4OHS hosts Occupational Health & Safety seminars on a national basis throughout the country at RMI regional office premises.


Complete Specialised Retail Solutions (CSRS)

Office: 021 001 7600 or 0727875503 (Peter Roodman)


2nd Floor, 3 High Street, Rosenpark, Bellville 7530

Postnet Suite 19, Private Bag X22, Tyger Valley, 7536

Email:  Website:


For more information on the following OHS subjects

      • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE);
      • Issuing of Milk to staff exposed to paint and welding fumes,
        chemicals, dust;
      • Under the influence of Alcohol / Drugs;
      • Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL);
      • Section 37 Contractors Agreement;
      • IOD / COID  Claims;
      • Injury on Duty: Reporting of Section 24 incidents to
        Department of Labour;
      • Health and Safety Representatives duties and functions;
      • First Aid Requirements;
      • Emergency Procedures;
      • Occupational Health and Safety letters of appointments
        (Legal appointments);
      • Annexure 1 Register;
      • Symbolic Signage;
      • Smoking in the Workplace;
      • How to comply with all Electrical Requirements in the
      • How to comply with the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
      • MP3 Players and other listening devices;
      • Chairs Ergonomics;
      • Environmental Pollution;
      • Portable Electrical Tools;
      • Dining-rooms / Eating places

