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Appeal to Dealerships to Maintain and Reinforce Covid-19 Mitigation Protocols

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President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that South Africa would be moving from Alert Level 2 to Alert Level 1, effective from midnight on Sunday, 20 September 2020 and that business, leisure and other international travel, under strict conditions, would come into effect from 1 October 2020.

NADA applauds government for acknowledging that the South African economy and society has been devastated as a result of the National Lockdown which had been implemented to combat the Covid-19 pandemic.

Moving to Alert Level 1 removes many of the remaining restrictions on economic activity, which hopefully will go a long way to stimulating the economy and start the long road to rebuilding and restoring fiscal growth, and creating much needed  jobs to address the extremely high levels of unemployment.

It is now time to heed the warning of the President, that South Africans need to continue to act in a highly responsible manner to avoid a resurgence of infections, as a second wave would be  devastating for our country as whole.

NADA appeals to all its members, as good corporate citizens, not to relax their guard but to rather maintain and reinforce their Covid-19 mitigation protocols within their dealerships, so as to ensure that the spread of the novel coronavirus is keep under control until such time as an effective vaccine becomes available.

We urge you to please continue to apply your dealership’s Covid-19 mitigation protocols for the safety of your, your employees and your customers health and safety.

Be vigilant and stay safe.