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Coastal Toll Strike Continues

The toll strike by members of SATAWU (South African Transport and Allied Workers’ Union) in KwaZulu-Natal was continuing, the trade union said on Tuesday.
“We will fight the company (Tolcon Lehumo) until we come to an amicable wage agreement of R3 500,” said SATAWU Union spokeswoman Reagoikanya Molopyane. On Saturday, members of SATAWU in KwaZulu-Natal went on strike in demand of a R3 500 a month basic salary. Toll collectors reportedly earned less than R2 500 a month.
Molopyane said if workers’ demands were not met the union would call on its members in Gauteng, Western Cape and Free State to join the strike.
“We hold the view that the only way to exert pressure, or force Tolcon to concede to workers’ demands, is through maximum unity of workers and close working relations by all the provinces where the company operates.”
She said no meeting had been set to resolve the dispute with the employer, and called on Tolcon to come back to the negotiating table. Tollgates expected to be affected include Oribi, Port Shepstone, Marianhill, Mooi River and the Tugela plaza near Ladysmith. Molopyane said about 100 workers were on strike in the province.
The National Union of Metalworkers of SA in KwaZulu-Natal supported SATAWU’s strike.
“We call on the Road Management Corporation as a strategic state entity to adhere to workers’ demands,” KwaZulu-Natal regional secretary Mbuso Ngubane said. SA National Roads Agency spokeswoman Priya Pillay could not be reached for comment. – Sapa