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Collective Bargaining Negotiations 2022

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On 4 November 2022 the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), the Fuel Retailers Association (FRA) and the National Union of Metal Workers (NUMSA) concluded and signed a three-year settlement agreement to conclude the 2022 round of collective bargaining negotiations.

The wage increases for the respective sectors for 2022/2023 are as follows:

Chapter III (component manufacturers)                 –              7,5% on actual rates of pay

Sector 5 (fuel retailers) – Forecourt Attendants   –   7,5% guaranteed on minimum rates of pay

                                         Chars                                     –              5% guaranteed on minimum rates of pay

                                        Cashiers                               –              5% guaranteed on minimum rates of pay

The rest of the industry (excluding chapter III and sector 5)     –   6,5% guaranteed in minimum rates of pay

The settlement agreement will be adopted at a special council (MIBCO) meeting on 10 November 2022 whereafter it will be submitted to the Minister of Employment and Labour for publication and extension to non-parties, in the Government Gazette. Once gazetted, the wage increases are compulsory in respect of all employees within the scope of MIBCO.

The RMI is aware that some of its members may elect to implement the wage increases before it is gazetted. The RMI advises however that members wait until the detailed wage schedule is issued by MIBCO before implementation to ensure that the correct increase values are used. Alternatively, kindly contact your local IR Specialist: IR Contacts – Retail Motor Industry Organisation (