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Collective bargaining negotiations – free IR seminars for RMI members


Kindly be advised that the RMI will be presenting free, virtual IR Seminars next week on the following topics:

Wednesday 19 October at 10h00 – 12h00 : Interpretation of the default picketing rules

Click here to join the meeting

Thursday 20 October at 10h00 – 12h00 : Strike management

Click here to join the meeting

The registration forms for the respective seminars are below. Picketing seminar registrations must be submitted to and strike seminar registrations must be submitted to before the close of business Monday 17 October 2022.

Be advised that this is an initiative to add value to RMI members and no reason for alarm. The RMI is meeting with NUMSA in a bilateral session next week 18 October 2022 to seek a settlement, whereafter an update on the negotiations will follow.

If you do have any queries in the meantime, kindly contact your local IR Specialist:

IR Contacts – Retail Motor Industry Organisation (