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Consolidated directions on occupational health & safety measures in certain workplaces


The RMI deems it necessary to provide this follow up COVID-19 Monitor on the Administrative Duties that rest on employers concerning the above topic.

Administratively the employer, if more than 50 employees are employed in a particular workplace, must submit a record of their COVID-19 Risk Mitigation Plan to its Health and Safety Committee and the Department of Employment and Labour.

Should an employer fall within the above scope, such employer should have a workplace risk assessment and a written Health & Safety Policy regarding COVID-19. This must be submitted to the Department of Employment and Labour within 21 days of the commencement of this directive.

The employer must further disclose any health issues and co-morbidities. Special measures must then be implemented to mitigate the COVID-19 risk. The measures should also outline measures regarding the safe return to work for employees or measures for them to work from home. The measures should also outline how the mitigation measures are communicated to staff.

The practise/directive when staff are sick or have COVID-19 symptoms remains the same. The protocol regarding the appointment of a COVID-19 Compliance Officer remains the same as well. The protocol when a worker has been diagnosed with COVID-19 also remains the same.

In addition to the duties already referred to above, employers who have more than 50 employees reporting for work at a workplace must submit the following information to the National Institute of Occupational Health and such data should include the following:
· Every employee’s vulnerability status;
· Details of COVID-19 screening of employees who appear symptomatic;
· Details of employees who test positive via a laboratory test;
· Number of employees who are at high risk contact within the workplace;
· Any employee confirmed being positive; and
· Details of post-infections of those testing positive as well their return-to-work assessment.

The above information must be supplied as soon as possible on a weekly basis before each Tuesday and the reporting period should cover the previous week, commencing the Sunday.

Staff must be assured that the above information is submitted with adherence to the Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013. The above information can be submitted to the National Institute for Occupational Health either via e-mail being or via online platform

A copy of the administrative regulations is attached for reference purposes. For any further enquiries, please feel free to get in contact with your nearest RMI Office.