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Defensive driver training can make our roads safer

According to Pertunia Sibanyoni, CEO of InspectaCar, every South African has a right to safe roads, and the more drivers who undergo defensive driver training, the safer our roads will be – which is her reason for partnering with MasterDrive, an advanced driver training company.
“South Africa’s roads are considered to be among the most dangerous in the world and InspectaCar is constantly looking for ways to promote a safer driving environment. By partnering with MasterDrive we believe we will impact directly on the safety of our roads,” says Sibanyoni.
To launch the partnership InspectaCar recently hosted some of its key female stakeholders, including a group of women from WesBank, its partner agencies, and a few local companies at a defensive driver training session conducted by MasterDrive.
According to MasterDrive, defensive driver training can actively reduce the collision rate on our roads by 50%, resulting in immediate cost savings, fewer insurance claims, fewer disability claims and reduced employee absenteeism.
“Drivers generally respond to what is going on around them but do not necessarily consider the potential hazards posed by various situations. Driving involves both physical and mental awareness, with a whopping 85% being attributed to mental awareness,” says Sibanyoni.

Junior Shabangu. buckles up before embarking on the on road evaluation

Kedi Maponyane from Badger Holdings, one of the participants at the launch event, had this to say: “The timing of the training could not have been more perfect for me, as I am heading out on a road trip soon. Thank you InspectaCar for including me in this important session.”
“It was so worthwhile. I put the key learnings into practice on my way home and will continue to do so on a daily basis,” said Junior Shabangu, WesBank Motor Division, Regional Head of Sales.
Junior Shabangu gets feedback from Masterdrive Instructor on her on road evaluation

“It was a privilege to be part of the defensive driver training session. I will be forever grateful to InspectaCar for including me,” said Erica Kornau-Van Niekerk, Managing Director of CREACHA.
Defensive driver training by MasterDrive is a combination of a two-hour classroom theory session followed by a one hour on-road practical drive, where drivers implement the techniques learned in the classroom. InspectaCar will be looking at ways to further promote the partnership in 2019 by offering the programme to more of its stakeholders.
“At InspectaCar we’re not only about selling cars, we also want to make a difference in society. The partnership with MasterDrive is a clear example that our integrity matters as much to us as our bottom line and we look forward to seeing what 2019 brings,” concludes Sibanyoni.