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Donate used car seats. Save a child’s life.

Wheelwell Logo

Wheel Well have recently achieved a magnificent milestone with their international award-winning Car Seats for Kids campaign – 10 000 car seats handed to parents who cannot afford these lifesaving necessities new.

From their very first car seat handed to Esmerelda and Baby Jordan at the launch on 12 April 2012 to the 10 000th car seat on 25 November 2021 has been an amazing journey. The special moments along the way are too numerous to mention. Peggie Mars, Founder of Wheel Well, says she has been blown away and left speechless by the generosity of companies and individuals alike. Read the full story below.

Car Seats for Kids, the flag ship campaign of Wheel Well, is an ideal avenue for annual Corporate Social Responsibility. All that is required is for employees in companies to team up and collect as many used car seats as possible and donate them to Wheel Well. Wheel Well will happily issue CSR certificates upon receipt of the car seats.

Wheel Well is a Level 1 BEE NPC with Section 18A status.

Contact them to donate: or 072 385 7121
