Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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As we head into the ‘20s it is with enthusiasm that we bring to our members, associations and the public a new RMI look with the introduction of our modern, new RMI logo as well as new logos for our associations.
The organisation, as we know it today, was restructured and named the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI) in November 1999 from the then Motor Industries’ Federation (MIF) and South African Motor Industry Employers’ Association. The current RMI and association logos were all designed and implemented during 1999. Twenty years later, in 2019, the industry has changed drastically which prompted the RMI to re-think how best to position itself to deliver products and services that would meet the demand of its members and new generation entrepreneurs in the automotive industry.
The RMI is a well-known name in the motor industry, representing over 7,500 member businesses. Its highly-skilled staff operate out of six regional offices. The RMI plays an important role in the motor industry as it enables motor traders to deliver top-class service to motoring customers in South Africa.
The RMI brand carries weight in industry as well as government circles. This is due to the fact that the RMI’s endorsement of events provides credibility to both local and international exhibitions, conferences and other events. We wanted to make sure that the refreshed look and vision honoured all the RMI is and stands for.
Another primary objective of the design brief was to unify a group of 13 different constituent association’s logos, that have developed at different times and in different ways, into eight new logos that represent the eight associations. We believe this has been achieved through a rigorous consultative process and the new look will take the RMI, its associations and industry forward during the next couple of years. For more on this story and how the logos developed please read the RMI feature on page 24.
We implore all members to embrace the new look organisation and to distinguish themselves from non-members through the display of the new signage and image on their buildings, stationary, delivery vehicles and so on.
On a final note, while the struggling economy is likely to continue during 2020, team RMI is excited and committed to take the industry with our new look to a new level. We have the best interests of our members and the industry top of mind at all times.
I conclude by wishing all our members, the RMI Board and other committee structures, management and staff of the RMI as well as our readers a happy festive season. Please travel safely and enjoy time with your loved ones.
I would also like to thank you all for your support, loyalty and contribution to making the RMI a success.
As we look toward a new year, I would like to leave you with this quote from Winston S. Churchill – Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. See you in the new year.