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Driving during load shedding

The stage-three and -four load shedding during this past week is affecting daily functioning on various levels. Motorists, in particular, are voicing distress over delays in traffic that have seen delays of up to one hour in traffic. In addition to the irritation, power outages also create dangerous conditions on the roads.
For many of us, it seems obvious that intersections need to be treated as four-way stops, yet, this is not always adhered to. Whether it is as a result of nervousness or impatience, many drivers take turns that aren’t theirs to take.
“When it’s your turn to cross the intersection, double check every path that crosses yours before going,” says Eugene Herbert, Managing Director of Masterdrive South Africa.
Rather take longer to cross than not make it across at all.
“If you know that you are a driver who becomes irritated waiting in the traffic that precedes an intersection, find ways to help you remain calm and patient. Try listening to soothing music, leaving after peak hour or using Google Maps to see which route has the least congestion. Remember, most drivers are feeling the same level of frustration and desire to arrive at their destination as you,” advises Herbert.
Show your appreciation for points people directing the traffic. As much as you are frustrated, the points people have a mammoth task ahead of them. Without them, the situation would be even worse.
The rain in parts of South Africa will also make the roads more dangerous. Remember to increase following distances, give yourself some ample time to make the journey, adjust your speed for the conditions and avoid driving through puddles
Before you even set off, it is essential to accept that you are going to encounter major traffic and consequently impatient drivers.
“Becoming irate with other drivers will only increase your own frustration levels. Your chances of a collision will also increase if you attempt to block them. Let these drivers in and move away from you. Remember, MasterDrive always advocates, ‘Drive nice, it’s contagious’,” concludes Herbert.