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Entries open for WorldSkills International Competition

Ws June 2022

Talented apprentices and learners in the Automotive sector will once again have an opportunity to compete and shine in France in the 47th WorldSkills International Competition taking place in Lyon, France next year.

The Department of Higher Education and Training officially sent out the call in March to invite young South Africans to submit applications for this global competition which is taking place from 10 – 15 September 2024. The 2024 competition will feature over 1 500 competitors from 65 different countries across the world, competing in 61 skills.

The department confirmed a total of 24 skill areas are open for application until 20 April 2023 to young South Africans who should be 22 years old or younger in September 2024.

Louis van Huyssteen, national training director of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), says he really welcomes the opportunity for their apprentices to participate on the global stage. “In 2022 Ernest Beneke, a 3rd-year motor mechanic apprentice from the Port Elizabeth TVET college, walked off with Gold at the fourth WorldSkills South Africa (WSZA) which took place in KwaZulu-Natal from 7 – 10 June 2022.  He was closely followed by 20-year-old Ceajay Bosman, a 2nd year automotive motor mechanic apprentice, also from the Port Elizabeth TVET College, who won Gold in the automotive motor mechanic sector, at WorldSkills Africa in Namibia last year. Ernest proceeded to represent South Africa on the world stage at WorldSkills competition in Dresden, Germany, in October 2022.  He achieved a 16th place overall and the best in the southern hemisphere for Automotive Technology.”

To be eligible to apply, you must be a student in an apprenticeship or learning programme; you must be a student undertaking studies towards a qualification at a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college or a Technical High School, or a student undertaking studies towards a Diploma at a University of Technology for one of the skills: Mobile Robotics, CNC Turning, Health and Social Care, Mechatronics and Fashion Technology.”

Applications can be submitted through a link

“We strongly encourage as many young apprentices to enter as possible. There is nothing better than competing with international peers on the international stage, and seeing our local skills compare to international standards,” he concludes.

ENDS / Source:  Recognition to –

Photo Caption: Blast from the past!

Young South Africans strut their stuff – From Left Ernest Beneke winning Gold, at the fourth WorldSkills South Africa (WSZA) competition held in KwaZulu-Natal in 2022 with  PE College Facilitator, Gerhard Pretorius, and Ceajay Bosman who won silver. Beneke was later placed 16th in the global competition in Germany.