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Keeping an eye on training


Upskilling members and maintaining and improving standards across the MIWA membership base is a key imperative for MIWA. This month HaynesPro Workshop Data hosted online webinars to help MIWA members increase their knowledge around reliable repair, maintenance and electrical information. The webinars were presented during different times of the day and evening which also included a Saturday to accommodate members.

Peter Woods guided attendees through critical aspects related to these issues as he spoke about maintenance manuals, repair schedules, VESA™ guided diagnostics and Smartcase™.

MIWA members who registered for the course, but were unable to attend, were sent a recording and this continues to keep standards high.

Pieter Niemand, national director of the Motor Industry Workshop Association, a proud association of the Retail Motor Industry Association (RMI), says ongoing training and adherence to only the highest standards is important as this is the customer promise – a promise that they can always be assured of good workmanship as well as recourse should the job not be done to acceptable standards. 

“Our workshops are run by highly-skilled mechanics, with excellent service-levels, administrative support and quality parts and machinery and that standard is consistent across all of the accredited workshops.  Niemand says MIWA is equally committed to improving opportunities and uplifting smaller workshops

In addition to the HaynesPro training, MIWA also offers training through the Electude e-learning platform that is designed to address the reality that most technical students prefer hand-on learning in automotive online training. The Electude  e-learning platform,  the world’s leading automotive E-Learning training solution,  reimagines the ways technical students learn and retain information. “It’s learning modules utilise highly interactive resources, including animations and simulations, to create a discovery-based environment that keeps students engaged throughout their training,” says Niemand.  

The Automotive Light vehicle Level 1 to 4 training program (Petrol Mechanic) is aligned with the content as set out in the CDX textbooks. “Great care was taken to ensure all the necessary content according to the curriculum was included.  The program has been designed to match the visual and kinaesthetic learning styles of most automotive students and students are exceling with the access to the more visual material.”

Various levels of learning are offered on the site from level 1 – 4 as well as an ARPL (artisan recognition of prior learning) course which will assist members to qualify employees with years of experience with no formal qualification.

“We place such a strong emphasis on training that we now also have an elected  MIWA National Training Representative who will serve on various structures to assist and enhance our training initiatives ,” concludes Niemand.