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How to avoid car door dings

Little dings in your car door can amount to very big things. Especially if you’re someone who is proud of their vehicle or you’re looking to sell it.
Repairing those irritating nicks and scratches costs time and money. So, it’s best to avoid them in the first place.
Most dings happen in parking lots, or other confined spaces like your garage, and Gumtree Auto’s Nunben Dixon says that you can cut down on them by always being conscious of where and how you park. He offers these tips:

  1. Take the time and effort to find a good parking bay – be prepared to walk a bit further if it means your vehicle is clear of potential trouble spots. End bays, with only one neighbour, are best.
  2. Do not park next to big SUVs or Bakkies as they cramp everyone around them. The standard shopping centre parking bay size was not designed for such big vehicles, so find more compact parking neighbours.
  3. Do not park next to a vehicle already littered with dents and dings – the driver hasn’t taken much care in the past and probably won’t this time round.
  4. Avoid parking bays close to trolley store areas – you might get accidentally rammed.
  5. Cars with baby seats should concern you – parents loading children need plenty of space and they’re likely more focused on their offspring than preserving your paintwork.
  6. If your own garage is a tight squeeze and you anticipate regular problems, then mount some foam along the wall (or maybe a pool noodle) at the most likely contact points.