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Innovative development in online learning

The world of work is being profoundly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Since the introduction of lockdown, and the phased re-opening of the economy, the Coronavirus pandemic has presented unique challenges to all types and levels of learning. These challenges have also stimulated discussion amongst MIWA and RMI ranks on the need for innovative development in online learning.
MIWA, under the leadership of the National Executive Committee and directed by Pieter Niemand, National Director of MIWA, participated, and will continue to participate, in the RMI’s National Executive Training Committee’s current initiative to develop a framework for digital remodelling of lifelong learning and work. In this context, MIWA has the opportunity to draw from the learnings and experiences of paid officials, elected office bearers and other members as subject matter experts on learning and training. This can be done anywhere and at any time as this is what is central to lifelong learning.
Andrea Bogner, the MIWA NEC representative on the RMI’s NETC, actively participated in the first framework discussion on 30 April 2020. This included the examination and re-examination of a range of issues on how digital education and training solutions can be utilised to deliver skills programmes, learnerships, and apprenticeships, further meeting the requirements of assessments and moderations by Sectorial Education and Training Authorities and the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations. The inputs received included innovative learning methodologies for learners including apprentices who acquire re-skilling and upskilling at the workplace.
Electude and MIWA have worked together to find a solution for blended learning approaches particularly for the motor mechanic and diesel mechanic trades. The mapping of the Electude modules for the motor mechanic trade against the Competency Based Modular Training (CBMT) delivery method has been tested and found to fill the gap in the use of only hardcopy training material. The flexibility of the Electude solution is such that regardless of delivery method, legacy or new occupational qualification, modules get mapped against the requirements in the relevant curriculum.
“MIWA has demonstrated, over many years, its resilience and willingness to embrace technology to promote skills development,” concludes Niemand.