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Is technology improving how we communicate? 

New technology might make communicating an easier thing to do, but nothing beats face-to-face interaction says Jakkie Olivier, CEO of the RMI
The whole world is bombarded and challenged with new technology on a daily basis and chances are that, across sectors, new developments or inventions amaze us at least once a day. Think about the way in which we communicate and how technological developments have changed that.
Currently it’s so much easier to send an email or WhatsApp message than picking up the phone to make a voice call. Is this a good or bad habit? You would probably find arguments for and against it.
It’s true that we are all benefiting from new and faster technology, but at the same time we are also experiencing what I deem a great loss – the skill of interacting directly with another human being on a personal level. That personal touch and awareness is lost when any form of writing and new technology is used.
Think about your communication with family members, friends, clients or colleagues – with all the technological advancements in communication methods and practices, we have lost the opportunities to interact face-to-face with one another. In my opinion, one-on-one discussions and sharing of information is still the most effective way to communicate, whether it be to make a business deal, selling a product or service or merely conveying a personal message to someone close.
While we all have to accept and embrace new thinking models in order to improve efficiencies, we should not completely ignore the benefits and uses that personal interaction brings when sharing important knowledge with others. Ignoring this means that we are escalating the loss of opportunities to make a difference by simply becoming more involved with others in person.
The RMI is a big family that cares and we unflinchingly support our slogan “belonging is better business”. We believe that we would best achieve success if we find a good balance in our communication with members and stakeholders, using the latest technology and face-to-face interaction. The RMI and its constituent associations are continuously involved in member road shows and attending various meetings, because we believe that there’s nothing like engaging with our members and stakeholders on a personal level in order to share information, network, learn from each other and collectively find solutions to shape the future of the automotive industry.
Let us not ignore the personal touch and the advantages of one-on-one communication through active participation and attendance of roadshows and meetings. This is what will make a real difference in the remaining months of 2018.
Contact any of our offices for more information about the RMI or its constituent roadshow dates for 2018. Alternatively look out for our RMI weekly web letters, which will also list the roadshow dates and venues.