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Jessica Leyds

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Empowering Women and Breaking Barriers in the Automotive Industry

Meet Jessica Leyds, the remarkable Financial and Database Manager at the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI). A wife and mother of two, Jessica’s journey in the automotive industry is a testament to resilience, determination, and the pursuit of excellence.

Throughout our candid interview, Jessica shared her favourite quotes, personal role models, and the tremendous support she received from the RMI in her career growth. But it was her remarkable personal and professional journey that truly stood out, making her an inspiration to women in the automotive world and beyond.

From Humble Beginnings to Financial & Database Manager

Jessica’s journey began as a Bookkeeper at the RMI. However, it didn’t take long for her skills and dedication to be recognised, leading to rapid promotions – from Assistant Accountant to Accountant, and eventually to her current position as Financial and Database Manager.

The RMI’s support was instrumental in her success, not only providing financial assistance for her education but also fostering an environment that encouraged continuous growth and recognition for her accomplishments. Regular performance reviews and constructive feedback sessions ensured she could track her progress and actively contribute to the company’s development.

Beyond Academics: The Influence of Jessica’s Mother

But it was Jessica’s mother who had the most profound impact on her life. Regardless of her level of education, her mother’s unwavering love and values became a guiding light in Jessica’s life. She instilled in her daughter the importance of compassion, resilience, and determination – qualities that proved vital in her automotive journey.

Jessica’s mother showed her that education extends far beyond textbooks and classrooms. It is a continuous journey of personal growth, learning from life experiences, and navigating challenges with grace. Through her mother’s example, Jessica learned the true value of knowledge and the importance of believing in oneself.

Supporting Women of Colour: Renee Coetsee’s Impact

In our interview, Jessica shared some personal stories that showcased the positive impact of women in leadership, exemplified by Renee Coetsee, the Financial Director at the RMI. Renee’s transformation and growth mindset inspired many within the organisation, including Jessica herself.

As a Bookkeeper, Jessica was among the first to receive study assistance from Renee. Today, she is in the final year of her MBA having already completed her degree and Honours, a testament to Renee’s unwavering belief in her potential. Jessica also highlighted other women of colour at the RMI, whose careers blossomed under Renee’s mentorship.

Breaking Barriers and Fostering Inclusivity

Through programmes like the Succession Planning Journey, the RMI nurtures an inclusive environment where young females can thrive. Jessica’s own journey is proof of the opportunities available when dedication and hard work are combined with a supportive workplace.

In her message to aspiring female leaders, Jessica encourages belief in oneself, embracing one’s voice, and seeking out mentors. She highlights the importance of resilience and learning from challenges, all while striving for inclusivity and diversity in leadership positions.

A Journey of Inspiration

Jessica’s story is one of determination, growth, and empowerment. Her rise to success in the automotive industry, supported by the RMI and guided by the influence of her mother and her mentor, Renee Coetsee, serves as an inspiring example for women in all walks of life.

As she balances her responsibilities at the RMI with her personal life, Jessica continues to make a difference in the automotive world. Her story resonates with women, demonstrating the grit, character traits, and emotional intelligence needed to succeed in any male-dominated industry.

In conclusion, Jessica Hudson’s journey showcases the potential within every individual to lead and inspire change. Her passion and dedication are not just admirable but transformative, and her impact on women in the automotive industry is nothing short of remarkable.