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NRCS levy consultation sessions postponed

Referring to the web letter insert sent to all members on 5July.

We have received communication that the NRCS has decided to postpone their consultations nationally to sometime in August 2019. We have not yet received exact dates.

Here is a communication from the NRCS:

“Dear Esteemed client of the NRCS

We wish to appreciate your valued time undertaken to consider and reply to our invitation for the stakeholder consultation meetings which were scheduled for the period 15 – 19 July 2019.

“Levy consultations sessions are regarded as an imported intervention by the NRCS to promote the spirit of inclusion in the financial decisions that have a significant impact to the industry. For that reason, when planning for these sessions, the NRCS aims for a balanced representation across the regulated industries during the engagements. To date, the response from the industry has not been favourable which resulted in the need for the NRCS to postpone the levy consultation sessions to August 2019, the new dates will be communicated as soon as possible.

“We do understand the inconvenience that the decision to postpone the sessions may have caused to our stakeholders and for that we profusely apologise.”

We undertake to advise of the new dates for levy consultations once we receive them from the NRCS.