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Opportunity to participate in a funded apprentice training project

With no institutional training costs, and SETA grant for qualifying employers

The Department Higher Education and Training (DHET) Director-General has approved the 2020 intake of 30 apprentices at the Centres of Specialisation Automotive Motor Mechanic at Port Elizabeth College Iqhayiya Campus and College of Cape Town Athlone campus.

What to do next
  1. Read info on the links.
  2. Understand what is expected by (a) contracting your own apprentice(s) to participate in this project; (b) involve your bookkeeper/accountant/auditor to ensure a thorough understanding of the combination of apprentice training on this project, including SETA grant funding, the SARS benefits, and the apprentice’s Return On Investment in your workshop.
  3. Complete your Expression of Interest form and return to Louis van Huyssteen, RMI National Director Training, on

These documents will help you familiarize yourself and your team with this funded apprentice training project on the new occupational qualification in the trade of automotive motor mechanic (aka petrol mechanic)

  • The 2020 intake of apprentices consists of 30 apprentices. The estimated month of commencement of training at the colleges is May or June 2020, or as soon as possible.
  • The college will have two lecturers (apprentice facilitators) dedicated for this group of 30 apprentices – one apprentice facilitator per 15 students.
  • The training component (Theory and Simulated Practical) is free of charge to the employer at the TVET colleges, both in Cape Town and Port Elizabeth.
  • SETA allocated/ring-fenced funding, by way of grants, for employers who participate in this DHET apprentice training project.
  • SETA will, following receipt of the Expression of Interest form, commence processing the application and the verification of the workplace, including a workplace approval.
  • You recruit, screen and select your own apprentices.
  • Your business is a workplace where the workplace component of the curriculum happens. The theory and simulated practical happens at TVET College. The SETA workplace approval includes qualification of journeyman/mechanic to apprentices.
  • You are the lead employer (by virtue of contracting the apprentice) which leads to you benefitting from SARS rebates (providing your business shows a profit) and Employment Tax Incentive (ETI).
  • You benefit from the Return On Investment of your apprentice on this project and the productive time he/she will at your business.
  • You participate, based on your available time, in the structures at the TVET college i.e. Reference group and Implementation Comm.
  • The theory and practical components take place at the TVET College at no additional cost to the employer.
  • The workplace experience component takes place at your business/workshop.
  • The TVET College has a rotation plan, stemming from experience gained during 2019 intake, outlining the number of days and weeks the apprentice spends needs to be at the college for the theory and practical components as per the curriculum in Year 1, 2 and 3, and how many days and weeks they spend at the workplace (your business) for the workplace component. Please note that the occupational qualification delivery method, in its current form for both theory component and simulated practical component, demands 22 weeks in Year 1; 22 weeks in Year 2; and 14 weeks in Year 3. The balance of time is spent the workplace component at the employers’ establishment.
  • The duration of this apprentice training is three years.
  • The Motor Industry Bargaining Council (MIBCO) prescribed minimum wage for an apprentice applies to employers in the ambit/scope of the Council.
  • Both levy-paying companies and non-levy-paying companies can complete the Expression of Interest form from the merSETA.
Who can I make contact with, should I have questions?

Louis van Huyssteen (Occupational Team Convener for the Motor Mechanic trade) on 082 560 6623.