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 Practical assistance with claims to the UIF and TERS

We are pleased to advise that the RMI and the Motor Industry Staff Association (MISA) have entered into an arrangement that MISA will provide a service to RMI members in relation to the claiming of benefits for all employees employed at RMI businesses, from the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) and Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS), on a free-of-charge basis.
This service is available exclusively to RMI members, purely on a voluntary basis i.e. no member will be compelled to make use of this service.
The service that MISA will provide, will ease the burden on members to undergo the tedious and often complex process of preparing UIF/TERS claims, submitting them; only to be advised by the Department of Employment and Labour that the specific claim fails to meet the requirement of the Department.
This service by MISA will entail the following process:

  1. MISA will forward the following documents to participating members:
  • A draft authorization that needs to be copied onto the company’s letter head;
  • An Excel spreadsheet to the relevant RMI members, in order for them to complete it.
  1. The RMI-employer completes all sections on the spreadsheet, including the employer’s details (such as UIF number and bank account details) and its employees’ details (such as their salary details).
  2. The RMI-employer will forward the below to MISA in a consolidated email:
  • The letter of authorization on their letter head;
  • Its payroll for the last 3-6 months;
  • Proof of payment made to employees (sub clause b and c as required by the Department of Employment and Labour), if relevant.
  1. MISA will verify the information against the information recorded on MIBCO’s returns system. Should there be discrepancies, MISA will resolve it with the relevant RMI member before the claim is submitted.
  2. MISA will then forward the completed Excel-spreadsheet with the documentation received from the RMI member, as well as the other documentation required (such as the completed agreement and a signed letter of authority from the RMI Member) to the Department of Employment and Labour.
  3. MISA will address, and attempt to resolve, any queries received from the Department of Employment and Labour as well as those from the RMI Member, in order to avoid any unnecessary delays in finalising and paying-out the claim.
  4. MISA will pay over the monies received from the UIF in respect of the employees employed by a specific RMI member, within 48 hours of receipt of the monies, which monies the RMI member then pays over to its employees within 48 hours of receipt as per the completed Excel spreadsheet. In the event that the RMI member has already advanced wages/salaries to its employees, it may off-set these UIF payments against such advances paid to its employees.
  5. Upon the RMI member having paid over the monies to its employees, the RMI member will provide proof of payment to MISA within 4 days of receipt of the monies from MISA, which MISA will then submit to the Department of Employment and Labour
  6. The RMI member will return all unutilized funds to MISA, which MISA will return to the Department of Employment and Labour.

MISA has employed the necessary resources to attend to this service to members. The Excel spreadsheet will ensure that RMI members submit all the relevant information, as required (and in the format required) by the Department of Employment and Labour, in order for its systems to calculate the UIF payments to be made. Upon receipt of the UIF’s calculations as per its spreadsheet, MISA will import the information recorded thereon (which includes the RMI member’s business name and banking details), into its (MISA’s) online banking system and release the payments in batches to the relevant RMI members.
The claims process flow is depicted in this workflow diagram .

Any RMI member who wishes to make use of this service, should direct such a request to MISA at this email address :
Although this service was specifically designed to assist micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses, there is no prohibition on larger businesses to also make use of this free, no-obligation benefit.
This service applies to all the employees employed at an RMI member businesses, and not just MISA members. All information provided to MISA by RMI members, will in terms of a strict contractual provision, be kept confidential.
This service is part of the RMI’s on-going commitment to find and implement workable solutions for business challenges that members may face during this disruptive period of lockdown, associated with the National State of Disaster. This service may continue after lockdown has been suspended, provided that there is sufficient demand from RMI members for the service.
Project Commencement Date: 23 April 2020
In the event that you should have any questions of queries in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact any one of the RMI’s IR Specialists, deployed at our various regional offices.