Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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Proudly South Africa Logo usage

January 2019
Dear Valued RMI Member,
As always, we greatly value your membership and thank you for your support.
It has been brought to our attention that certain members have been using the Proudly South African logo without subscribing directly to Proudly South Africa.
Unfortunately, this is not permitted.
The RMI subscribes to Proudly South Africa and is therefore able to display the logo on its website, in documents, correspondence and so on. This, however, does not extend to our members that have not subscribed their businesses to Proudly South Africa.
In the event that your business is not subscribed, we ask that you refrain from using the Proudly South African logo and remove it from any marketing material, website, communications etc. Failing to do this, could result in legal action by Proudly South Africa.
Alternatively you are welcome to contact Proudly South Africa directly and subscribe.
Many thanks for your co-operation in this regard
Jakkie Olivier