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Publication and extension of MIBCO Administrative-, Autoworkers Provident Fund- and Motor Industry Provident Fund agreements

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As communicated in our Newsflash dated 25 August 2022, the Minister of Employment and Labour published and extended the MIBCO Administrative-, Autoworkers Provident Fund- and Motor Industry Provident Fund agreements in the Government Regulation Gazette No. 11477 dated the 24th of August 2022.

The net effect of this publication is that, for at least the next 12 months, Members are legally required to continue deducting and remitting payment of the following contributions to MIBCO:

  1. MIBCO levies;
  2. Autoworkers Provident Fund contributions;
  3. Motor Industry Provident Fund contributions;
  4. Trade Union (NUMSA and MISA) membership fees; and
  5. Sick-, Accident and Maternity Pay Fund contributions.

The MIBCO Main Agreement however expires today, which means that the provisions of this agreement no longer binds Members. This does not mean that Members are not bound by any legislative requirements as regards the terms and conditions of employment of their employees. The provisions of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (1997) as amended, now regulates the employment conditions of your employees. If you have any questions or queries as regards the impact of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act on your employees, please do not hesitate to call on any one of the RMI’s IR Specialists listed here: IR Contacts – Retail Motor Industry Organisation (

I am also pleased to advise that the Sick-, Accident and Maternity Pay Fund agreement has been extended to 31 December 2022, which means that your employees participating in this Fund, continues to enjoy the benefits of the Fund until then, at least. The RMI and MISA are in ongoing discussions regarding the extension of the agreement beyond that date and we will advise members of developments in this regard, in due course.