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Quick Fire Questions: Foreign qualifications, work permits and SA’s critical skills list 

Q: I am contemplating employing another person from one of South Africa’s neighbour countries who claims he is a qualified artisan. Where can I verify the qualification and are there cost attached?
A: To verify a foreign qualification contact SA Qualifications Authority’s (SAQA) directorate evaluations of foreign qualifications. Click here for more information. SAQA provides a foreign qualifications evaluation and advisory service on a non-profit, cost recovery basis. This service by SAQA is in accordance with Section 13(1)(m) of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Act.
Q: Will only the verification of a foreign qualification by SAQA stand good for a work permit for a person who claims he is a qualified artisan in one of SA’s critical skills?
A: No, it will not. It is however part of the work permit application. Department Home Affairs (DHA) issued the following on their website: “The Critical Skills work visa is issued in accordance with the critical skills list. The list was developed in conjunction with the occupations in high demand and the scarce skills lists of the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET). The main objective of the critical skills work visa is to assist the government to realise the achievement of the National Infrastructure Project, the Strategic Infrastructure Projects and Key National Strategic Projects in support of the Department of Trade and Industry.” Click here for more information.
Q: Can South Africa’s Critical Skills work visas be renewed and extended if the visa was initially issued for 12 months? Where can I have sight of what the process at Department Home Affairs entails to renew or extend?
A: Yes, Critical Skills work visas can be renewed and extended. Click here for more information.
Sources: Department Home Affairs & SA Qualification Authority