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RMI and TUT announce new study opportunity for members

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This month we are really proud to announce that the RMI and the Tshwane University of Technology’s Department of Marketing, Supply Chain and Sport Management have made history by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to provide stakeholders within the Automotive Retail Aftermarket with an opportunity to further their studies, by enrolling for a customised Diploma in Retail Business Management.

This first of a kind agreement in South Africa will allow RMI members and their employees to enhance their knowledge and skills by enrolling for a three year, fully online qualification, that has been especially developed for the Retail Motor Industry.

Although the MoU was actually signed some time ago, due to the COVID-19 pandem­ic, the accreditation of this programme was unavoidably delayed. We are now delighted that Dr Elizma Wannenburg, Head of the Department of Marketing, Supply Chain and Sport Management at TUT has confirmed that everything is in place for the official commencement of this programme on 1 July 2023.

The first cohort of students (employers and staff) will form part of an historical event which represents a commendable achievement of which the RMI is extremely proud.

Over the years professionalisation of the industry has been one of the key focus areas of the organisation. We have always advocated for closer collaboration between institutions of higher education and industry in order to provide more industry-appropriate qualifications that will inspire learners to educate themselves in a particular field. We hope that this is the first of many programmes that we can develop together and encourage all employ­ers within the motor sales, motor parts, equipment as well as the tyre sales sectors to actively promote this unique opportunity by identifying potential candidates that can form part of the first cohort of students.

Make sure to read the full article on page 22 of the June 2023 Automobil, which contains curriculum information and guidelines on how to enrol. Applications are open and space within this specialised qualification is limited so we encourage employers to actively engage with staff to avoid disappointment. All detail below.

June 2023 Automobil: Automobil June 2023 (

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Jakkie Olivier - RMI CEO