Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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RMI continues to grow

The end of June marked the financial year-end for the RMI. We are fortunate that the organisation continues to grow and display the highest levels of integrity and competence. We have you, our members, to thank for this. Many thanks for your loyalty and support during the last year.

The financial year end also marks the time of year when renewals are done. You should all have received a renewal letter valid from 1 July 2019 to end June 2020. We would appreciate it if you could settle this account before the end of September. You will then receive your renewal sticker and certificate under separate cover. Please be advised we offer a debit order deduction which will spread your payment over the remaining nine months of this period rather than one payment. You are welcome to contact our accounts department if you wish to avail yourself of this service or if you have any queries please contact

As RMI members, you all play a very key member role in upholding our standards and we encourage you to actively participate in the activities of your Association. I appreciate you all face ongoing business challenges, but following a largely positive outcome in our May elections I am hopeful our economy will stabilise and we can all pull together. As South Africans we have learnt to be flexible and proactive, in the interests of a better future for all.

Now is the time for the RMI and each of its proud Associations to stand together as a collective in order to influence various forums for improved business conditions. Our collective voice needs to be strong and flexible.

Over the last couple of weeks, our experienced negotiating team has been busy with wage negotiations with NUMSA and MISA. It is our intention to ensure these do not compromise or impact the future sustainability of your business in any way. Our mandate is to protect the industry from unrealistic Trade Union demands. We rely on our members for their continued support as we need a strong representative position to successfully navigate through the negotiations.

As you know we are also pushing hard to transform and register the organisation as a professional body with clear career paths. As a professional body, the RMI will register designations, recommend best practice and oversee the conduct of members of the profession which will help differentiate us from the unqualified and non-designated individual.

With more emphasis on skills development we believe we will continue to see reduced unemployment, economic growth, better returns on investments for employers, more profits to employ more people, re-investment in business growth and sustainability and increased consumer satisfaction.

For further details about RMI benefits, contact any of the offices or visit the RMI website at, subscribe to our weekly web letter and enjoy your monthly Automobil magazine.

Once again thank you for your support. We remain committed to supporting you and adding value to your business.