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RMI Mobile app on track

Plans for the launch of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation’s (RMI) new mobile app is well on track and testing is underway.
The app, aimed at connecting consumers to accredited RMI members, will most likely be available to motorists during the second week of December, in perfect time for the December holiday travellers.
The app will assist motorists in finding an accredited service supplier in the category of service required closest to them via GPS or in the region of their choice. It will provide the motorist with full contact and address details as well as any service or product specials.
“We have also included a section where motorists can log a complaint if they are unhappy with any element of the service they receive, or to report a supplier claiming falsely to be an RMI member,” says Jakkie Olivier, CEO of RMI.
“RMI members are skilled automotive professionals who adhere to a strict code of conduct, so when using RMI-accredited businesses, consumers can be assured of value for money, competitive pricing, quality work and recourse for complaints. Our app will take the guess work out of locating a good partner for your vehicle care and will seamlessly connect you to your closest RMI member,” concludes Olivier.