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Temporary Financial Relief Scheme: destroyed, affected or looted workplaces


On 6 August 2021, the Minister of Employment and Labour issued a directive that makes provision for temporary financial relief for vulnerable employees affected by the recent unrest in certain parts of the country.

The Temporary Financial Relief Scheme aids workers whose workplace was closed due to the unrest and are subsequently not being paid remuneration either in full or in part, as follows:

  • Income replacement on a sliding scale ranging from 38%-60% based on the employee’s remuneration, with the maximum payment capped at R17 712,00 and a minimum payment of R3 500.

Employers may apply on behalf of their employees and must satisfy the following requirements:

  • The employer must register or be registered with the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF);
  • The employer’s closure must be directly linked to the destruction, damage or looting of its workplace;
  • It must provide details of the destruction or damage to, or looting of, or closure of its workplace and submit documentary proof of a report to the South African Police Service, and proof that a case has been opened with a case number; and
  • If the employer is insured, it must provide proof of submission and acknowledgement of receipt of the insurance claim.

The continued operation of the Temporary Financial Relief Scheme will be reviewed every two weeks by the Minister.

The Motor Industries Staff Association (MISA) will assist RMI members with their applications. It is important to note that members should refrain from submitting claims either in full or partially if they would like MISA to assist them with their claims. Any RMI Member that wishes to make use of this service, should direct such a request to MISA on the following email address:

This service applies to all the employees employed at an RMI Member business and not just MISA members. All information provided to MISA by RMI Members will, in terms of a strict contractual provision, be kept confidential.

This service forms part of the RMI’s ongoing commitment to find and implement workable solutions for business challenges that Members may face during this disruptive period of lockdown associated with the National State of Disaster or recent unrests. This service may continue after lockdown provided that there is sufficient demand from RMI Members for the service.

If members should have any questions or queries in this regard, please do not hesitate to contact any one of the RMI’s IR Specialists deployed at our various regional offices.