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There’s a whiff of summer in the air – get your car rain-ready

There’s been a definite change in temperature over the last few days and with a promise that summer is just around the corner. “Many of us are looking forward to the first rains but remember that with the first rains comes slippery roads, and the need for wipers. Now is the perfect time to get your car summer-ready,” says Dewald Ranft, Chairman of the Motor Industry Workshop Association (MIWA), an affiliate association of the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI).
He suggests checking your windscreen wipers, air conditioning unit, oil and tyres. “Windscreen wipers age and perish. It’s important to check your windscreen wipers regularly and not to settle for below-par wipers. Only the edge of the wiper should touch the windscreen – so check whether this is the case with your wipers. Also there shouldn’t be cracks or tears in the blades and the blades should be securely fastened to the wiper. If in doubt go to your local MIWA-accredited workshop and ask your mechanic to check the blades. Wipers are relatively inexpensive but make all the difference between clear visibility and an accident waiting to happen,” he says.
Dewald also suggests getting your air conditioning unit checked. “Many drivers don’t make use of their air conditioning units during the winter months so there may be a build up of dirt that could block and hamper the performance of the unit.” Along with that a leak could have developed, resulting in low or no pressure, or the unit could be low on refrigerant. “A bad fuse, a wiring problem or broken AC switch might also be to blame so ask your mechanic to check the unit if you suspect there is a problem. It’s well worth getting the unit checked before the summer heat hits,” he suggests.
An oil change and inspection of the state of the vehicles tyres is also an essential.
“Budgeting for a service ahead of the December rush is key,” believes Dewald. “During December there are many other expenses that crop up and the thought of additional expenses at that time for car maintenance can be daunting for car owners. Now is the time to plan a service and budget accordingly.”
He suggests using an accredited aftermarket workshop for your vehicle’s service. “By using an accredited workshop, you can be assured that the work is guaranteed. It may be tempting to opt for a cheaper route, such as a road-side air conditioner repair offer at a reduced rate, but ultimately you may end up paying more for a bad job to be corrected. If you are unsure whether your local workshop is accredited ask to see the accreditation certificate or contact an industry body such as MIWA,” he concludes.