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Unhappy with your car repairs? You have options

You want to know that when you hand your car over for costly repairs that they will be done properly. But what if they aren’t? Jakkie Olivier, CEO for the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), says there is recourse for inefficient servicing of vehicles, if, of course, you have used the right service provider. “It’s so important for vehicle owners to understand that by using an accredited service provider they are protected,” he says.
Olivier points out that the RMI has a dispute resolution process in place to assist customers that may be dissatisfied with the services rendered by its members. “It’s for this very reason that it’s important to use an RMI accredited repairer. That way you can be assured that there will be repercussions for services not rendered adequately,” he says.
He explains that if you are dissatisfied with the job done, your first step should be to contact the RMI directly. “Give us a call. Register your dispute and once we have all the information we will engage with the RMI member in order to find a resolution. We go through a process of facilitation where discussions are held between all parties,” he says.
Olivier says the RMI has a long-standing track record of successful dispute resolution. “The process is quick and effective. In most cases, disputes are resolved through the facilitation process. If no suitable outcome can be reached, the vehicle owner can then escalate the case to the Motor Ombudsman – the statutory body for the industry.”
“We want consumers to know that they do not have to accept a service that is below par from an RMI member. We believe in transparency and best business practices. We are an industry that believes in excellence,” Olivier says.
He adds that RMI members have to adhere to strict standards to retain their membership, “so the likelihood of needing dispute resolution is lower when using an RMI member.”
“Taking your car in for a repair can be a costly exercise. Getting what you pay for, i.e. a car that is running properly and fully repaired, should be the obvious outcome. If this hasn’t been your experience, then remember that you have options,” he concludes.
Consumers can contact the RMI head office on 011 886 6300 for assistance with dispute resolution.