Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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Why Your Brand Matters 

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Dear Valued Member

In our ever-evolving market, building trust and confidence in our brand is paramount. Not just a logo, our brand is the essence of our business, representing our values, integrity, and commitment to excellence.

At the Retail Motor Industry Organisation (RMI), we understand the importance of brand equity. Positive experiences with RMI and our eight associations translate to higher perceived value for both our members and consumers. It’s why we’re dedicated to ensuring that every interaction with our brand leaves a lasting impression of professionalism and reliability.

As custodians of the RMI brand, each one of us plays a crucial role. Whether you’re a frontline employee or a senior executive, your actions shape perceptions. By providing exceptional service, being transparent, and actively promoting our brand, we reinforce the trust and confidence that consumers have in us.

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be re-inforcing the importance of each of our Associations displaying their RMI and specific Association branding proudly. Through newsflashes, social media updates, and other channels, we will remind you, our valued members, just how essential you are to our continued growth and how together we are proudly RMI. 

You are our best ambassadors and we would really appreciate your support in driving this message internally by liking and sharing our posts and by pushing the importance of branding at association level.  Remember this is a win-win situation. The RMI brand is like a stamp of approval for the consumer. The more we can strengthen our profile and raise awareness, the more business we can drive to you, our members.

Together, let’s continue to uphold the legacy of the RMI and reinforce our commitment to excellence in the automotive industry.
Best Regards,

Ipeleng Mabusela
CEO: Strategy and Corporate Support

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