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Woman of note

Madira Final

During the month of August South Africa celebrates woman’s month. The RMI would like to use this opportunity to place the spotlight on some of the women of note who own and run businesses within the automotive aftermarket. Once the exclusive domain of men, there is an encouraging new influx of women in the automotive industry who are bringing in a fresh new dynamism and balance into the sector.

Madira M. Cheze, owner of Dirankie Auto Service – a 100% black owned company.

  • How did you get where you are today, and who helped you along the way?

My success today is due to my family, my colleagues, my community and not forgetting the most important person that motivated me: my mentor Mr Boshomane

  • What have you learned about leadership, and mentoring others?

I’ve learnt that as a learder you have to be more adaptable to change, have better time management skills, make smarter decisions, find more efficient processes and also develop active listening skills. Being a mentor doesn’t mean you know everything, in fact, most of the time I still learn from others.

  • How do you achieve work-life balance?

Work-life balance is definitely challenging at times, especially when I receive bookings over the weekend and also want to spend precious time with my child. I do however strive to balance everything quite well.

  • What advice would you give young women in South Africa who want to succeed in the workplace?

It is very important to have passion and a drive, because our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

  • How do you push through your worst times?

As a Christian I put everything in the Lord’s hands, but I also recognise that nothing comes for free. I always strive to find solutions to my problems and I don’t focus on any criticisms. I love what I do and would not change it for the world.

  • What successful habits do you practice?

-Getting up early in the morning

-Planning my to dos

-Taking action in my goals

  • What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning?

The daily goals that I’ve set for myself.
