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Batteries & Electric Vehicles Conference 2019

Every year, South Africa highlights the critically important role that transport plays in the economy during October’s Transport Month. It is used to raise awareness of the important role of transport in the economy and to encourage engagements from civil society and business.
The Green Transport Strategy of the National Department of Transport highlights that road transport emissions account for 91.2% of emissions across the transport sector, with strategic pillar 8 of the strategy complimenting the promotion of hybrid and electric vehicles.
Globally, electric vehicles sales grew to over five million units in 2018, up two million from the year before. Within South Africa, hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) were introduced in 2005, battery electric vehicles in 2013, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles in 2015, with the total stock of these at 5,834 at the end of June 2019.
With the global deployment of energy storage technologies there has also been an increased market demand of lithium-ion batteries that form the key component of hybrid-electric and battery electric vehicles.
From an impactful 2018 conference that hosted over 150 delegates of local and international representation, coupled with a wealth of information shared from more than 20 local and international speakers, the 2019 Batteries and Electric Vehicles Conference takes place on 31 October and 1 November 2019 to be held in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
Extending on Thought Leadership initiatives by uYilo as the national electric mobility programme and uYilo profiled as a Strategic Initiative of the national Green Transport Strategy, the conference will provide renowned insights of the associated technologies and facilitate discussions to provide a platform for technological and business opportunities with the latest updates in the fields of batteries and electric vehicles from local and international speakers.
Who should participate?

  • Transport planners and policy makers from national, provincial and local governments
  • Vehicle manufacturers, OEM component manufacturers
  • Battery manufacturers, assemblers, distributors
  • Automotive service and product providers
  • Researchers in battery storage and vehicle systems
  • Regulatory body members

The event will include facilities tours that extend across accredited battery testing, vehicles systems and the smart-grid ecosystem demonstrating resilient charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.
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