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Burchmore’s Appoints New Auction Manager

Lionel Roux, previously vehicle valuator and subsequently sales manager at Burchmore’s Sandton, has been promoted to auction manager. Roux joined the company in 2009, and since been mentored by managing director, Darryl Jacobson. “I was particularly impressed with his technical background; Lionel is a qualified technician,” he reveals.
This means that Roux truly knows cars inside and out, perfectly equipping him for his new role. “Customers often have technical queries relating to cars; it is tremendous that they now have access to a technical expert who can answer their every query,” comments Jacobson.
Roux joined Burchmore’s in 2009 after being attracted by the scope of the company. “When I first visited the Sandton branch, I was so impressed by the magnitude of the company; I could not believe the range and number of vehicles on auction. I was immediately attracted by the hype and excitement of the auctions,” he reveals.
As auction manager, Roux manages a multitude of operations – from sourcing the vehicles to marketing the sale and customer liaison. “With his energy, passion and knowledge of motor cars, he’s really ideal for this job. An auction manager needs to understand not only the pricing but also the mechanics of the car. We needed someone with technical ability who could guide a potential buyer through the car. We want to give customers peace of mind. Lionel is not only good with cars; he is also good with people,” says Jacobson, who personally trained the new auction manager.
According to Jacobson, Roux is committed, passionate and has the required energy – and it’s clear that a lot of energy is required! “Oh this is a very demanding job,” says Roux with a wry smile. “I have to think of everything – even ensuring that the cars are washed.”
He says it’s rewarding. “Because it is so challenging the rewards are much greater. It is immensely satisfying to see the auction running and the happy customers afterwards. There is a lot of interaction with people – both before and after,” Roux reveals.
He says he is very proud of his new job. “After all, we are influencing lives. A car is one’s second biggest investment – I always tell customers that it is very important to make the right choice and inspect the warranty carefully,” Roux says. Clearly though, with Roux in the driver’s seat, those customers are in very good hands.