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Call for input – UIF compliance survey

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The RMI is a member of Business Unity South Africa (BUSA), which is a representative and unified organisation for business in South Africa. BUSA influences government policies at various forums like NEDLAC etc on behalf of its members.

Recently, many employers have expressed frustration relating to the recently introduced e-Compliance system utilised by the UIF to issue Compliance Certificates. Engagement with UIF is ongoing. BUSA would like to better understand the scope of issues being faced and requests your assistance in this regard. To better support the lobbying efforts, and to provide more detailed facts and figures, a survey has been created.

The survey seeks to understand the status of your UIF Compliance Certificate applications, the economic impact of delays associated with non-issuing of certificates etc.  Please provide as much detail as possible including a separate survey PER UIF REFERENCE number in order to assess the number of entities impacted. 

Information will be treated confidentially and only utilised as aggregated, or by agreement with you directly. Please, therefore, provide your contact information as requested at the end of the questionnaire. 

Only members who have utilised the e-Compliance system should kindly complete the survey. The estimated time to complete is 5 minutes.

Survey Link –