Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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Caring for members – a word from RMI’s CEO


Dynamic organisations continuously question and examine their relevance in the eyes of their customers. In the case of the RMI, our customers are you – our valued members.

With constant changes taking place in and around us on a daily basis, this statement has been queried and tested many times. Perhaps now, more than ever, the need to question your relevance and to test the value one adds has become even more important.

The automotive sector is transforming rapidly and in order to keep pace with the developments, the RMI needs to ensure that it not only remains abreast of developments but continues to critically test the value and support it offers to members and the motoring public.

Business relevance and member satisfaction have become even more focused, strategic imperatives as the industry grapples to accommodate not only technological changes but also the changing needs of a younger generation of consumers.

Over the past two years, the unexpected external events have tested the resilience of our members and the RMI has done everything in its power to ensure members were well-supported and informed during this time.

We constantly ask the question: Does the RMI still add sufficient and superior value to its customers, our members? We have recently launched a member satisfaction survey to test just that and to check if our members understand and are  happy with our RMI value proposition. The results of the survey will help us better understand the needs of our members and the feedback will be used to shape and inform our future priorities and strategies. Most importantly, it is also an indicator of the level of member satisfaction regarding the support, products and services currently offered by the RMI and its eight associations.

The RMI, as the umbrella body for our associations, needs to ensure we deliver on:

– High perceived value of belonging to the RMI, particularly in light of the tough economic conditions.

– High quality communication and information-sharing, particularly the need to pro-actively inform our members in an effective manner about industry-related news and developments affecting their businesses.

– Advocacy, ensuring that the RMI brand’s value proposition is understood, appreciated and accepted.

– Awareness, ensuring that motorists and consumers recognise the RMI and its associations as credible and authentic. The increased visibility will help drive business to our member associations.

This issue offers you more information about the formation of a professional body, which will uplift our members and continue raising overall standards. This is a very exciting development that will help differentiate our members from non-members. Our central guiding concept has always been that we are better together. It expresses the essence of our organisation and what our brand represents. We look forward to receiving your valuable feedback on our survey so that we can jointly move forward with renewed focus.

Jakkie Olivier 1