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How Storage Solution Companies Improve Warehousing

By Fred Albrecht, Managing Director, APC Storage Solutions SA Because modern consumer demands place greater emphasis on lower prices and faster services, a greater reliance on successful supply chain designs, […]

Savrala Seeks Legal Advice

“Following the Finance Minister’s announcement to continue with E-Tolling of Gauteng’s freeways in the budget speech on 22nd February, SAVRALA has expressed their disappointment and have now moved to consider […]

BUSA Shares Economic Outlook

Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) shares the realistic assessment in the Budget Speech of SA’s economic prospects and its identification of the major external and internal challenges facing the economy. […]

Reconciling Spending, Frugality And Growth

By Cees Bruggemans, Chief Economist FNB In common with so many other stressed countries today, South Africa has two diametrically opposed constituencies in the form of her electorate and financial […]

Overview: Motor Vehicle Sales Growth in 2011

By Luke Morawitz, senior ratings analyst, Coface South Africa The local motor industry has made steady gains in recovering from the turmoil caused by the economic disruptions of 2008-2009. Going […]

Are Lead Acid Batteries Old Fashioned?

By Tom Cross, Director Business Development at First National Battery (FNB) Being the oldest of the battery technologies in commercial use today, it’s easy to understand why lead acid batteries […]

RMI Assists With CPA Matters

Dear RMI Member, As you will remember, the Consumer Protection Act 68 of 2008 (CPA) took full effect on the 1st of April 2011. The CPA in certain circumstances has […]

The Global Vehicle Sales Recovery

By Tania Barlow, MD Sewells South Africa There is real and encouraging evidence of a global recovery in new vehicle sales in 2012 and beyond, says Tania Barlow, managing director […]

Transforming Business

The RMI is in the process of establishing a national registry of the broad-based black economic empowerment status of its members, explains RMI CEO JEFF OSBORNE. The RMI is frequently […]