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COBRA aims to safeguard businesses

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Today, COBRA aims to safeguard businesses and provides free public access to a self-help knowledge hub. Through our website, businesses can access relevant, factual, and useful information to assist them in alleviating business distress.

The initiative provides direct assistance in the form of subject matter expertise to distressed businesses via business turnaround and recovery engagements, or via a business rescue process.

Currently, although the most restrictive economic lockdown levels have been alleviated, the need for assistance by businesses large and small across South Africa has never been greater. Unemployment levels are at their highest ever levels, and it appears that basic services are slated to be further cut in favour of government bail-outs of bankrupt state-owned enterprises.

COBRA provides businesses in distress with the assistance they need to navigate these unprecedented times. COBRA and SMEgo, a new partner that has joined our consortium of partners, have joined forces to offer assistance.

In their capacities, COBRA and SMEgo both assist small and medium businesses, helping them secure business funding to sustain operations and help them grow. By joining forces, the two entities will now be able to connect even more business owners to a wider range of funding opportunities.

Visit for more information.