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Key Appointments Made At Sewells Group SA

Several key appointments have been made at Sewells Group South Africa (a leading specialist training and consulting company in the automotive retail sector) since the appointment of Tania Barlow (formerly business development manager) as Managing Director in June this year.
Tania succeeded Dennis Anderson, MD of Sewells since 2005, who was appointed chief operating officer (COO) of the global Sewells Group based in Bangkok, Thailand. Dennis joined Sewells in 1988 from Barlow Motor Holdings where he had been manpower development manager responsible for HR and training and enhancement of a staff of 450.
Previously he had been a training co-ordinator at Ford in Port Elizabeth delivering courses in parts and service to dealer staff and management.
Tania herself has a long background in and alongside the motor industry. She joined Sewells in 2006 to become the director of the Ford Academy, where she worked for three years before being offered the opportunity of rolling out the academy model to the Asia Pacific region.
As the Asia Pacific Academies (APA) director, she operated in 10 different markets guiding, monitoring and mentoring local Sewells management teams in support of the academy initiatives and implementing Sewells systems for data, material and operating management.
She became business development manager for Sewells South Africa from April last year until taking up her appointment as managing director from June this year.
Since then the appointments made by Tania for Sewells South Africa have included:
•    George Austin as business solutions manager
•    Jacqui van Zyl as operations manager
•    Odette Taljaard as business development manager
•    Sharon Shaw as Ford Academy director

Jacqui Van Zyl

Odette Taljaard

George Austin

Lisa Barlow