Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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National State of Disaster: Adjusted Alert level 1


On 30 September 2021, the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs announced that Adjusted Alert Level 1 will apply from 1 October 2021.

Although the retail motor industry has been allowed to trade since adjusted alert level 4, we would like to remind you that the adjusted alert level is still a lockdown level of the national state of disaster. Consequently, all previous implemented occupational health and safety measures in the workplace to combat and prevent the spread of COVID-19 still applies.

Every business must:

  • Determine the business premises floor space in square metres and determine the maximum amount of persons allowed whilst maintaining 1,5 metres social distancing;
  • Implement 1,5 metres social distancing in queues;
  • Provide hand sanitisers for use by the public;
  • Assign a COVID-19 compliance officer;

Every business must further adopt social-distancing measures to promote physical distancing of employees, including:

  • Enabling employees to work from home or minimizing the need for employees to be physically present at the workplace;
  • The provision of adequate space;
  • Restrictions of face-to-face meetings;
  • Special measures for employees with known or disclosed health issues or comorbidities, or any condition that may place such an employee at high risk of complications or death if they are infected with COVID-19;
  • Special measures for employees who are above the age of 60 who are at risk of complications or death if they are infected with COVID-19;

We urge our members to adhere to the provisions of the latest regulations. We will provide communication as soon as further regulations are published.

For more information regarding the adjusted alert level 1, kindly contact your local Industrial Relations Specialist.

Please note : Members that are unsure of their workplace obligations under the declared State of Disaster, must acquaint themselves with the RMI’s suggested Risk Adjusted Strategy and Business Continuity Plan, which is freely available on the RMI website.