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Petroleum associations stand united


Reflecting on our Honourable President’s recent State of the Nation address, in which he called on industry and the private sector to join forces in collaboration with government to drive solutions, the petroleum industry are proud to have embraced the concept early and look forward to jointly driving the petroleum sector forward.

The petroleum industry has recently been riddled with many challenges. For the first time, industry associations have come together to create a united industry forum which aims to resolve industry matters that impact stakeholders in the value chain and, together with the relevant authorities, drive solutions to ensure a sustainable petroleum industry. Naturally, the process of industry associations coming together will follow the strict guidelines of the Competition Act and the role players will not discuss any matters of a competitive nature.

At the inaugural meeting it was particularly comforting to see that the level of concerns across all industry sectors were not dissimilar. The purpose of the combined industry forum is to show a united industry that works together to resolve issues in their economic sector, and we have no doubt that this is the start of a very positive move from industry.

SAPRA understand that the diverse nature of the different associations will always present conflicting issues among associations; however, we also acknowledge that as a combined industry we have a lot more to gain by standing united. The precedence set by the Petroleum Compliance Forum driven by industry and the DMRE, together with all relevant stakeholders, shows that the collaborative and voluntary effort does yield results for the benefit of a better South Africa.

Vishal 2020