Retail Motor Industry Organisation

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Re-enactment of the Administrative Agreement for the Motor Industry Bargaining Council – MIBCO


Please be advised that the new Administrative Agreement has been published and is effective from 1 March 2021 (second Monday after the Minister’s proclamation).

The actual date of publication was 19 February and the date of coming into operation is therefore the second Monday from that date which is 1 March 2021.

The Agreement could not be published earlier as the Government Printer is experiencing technical issues with hard copy printing. It was published on the Government Printer website yesterday and you can access the Agreement and the Extension to Non-Parties Notice, by utilising the link below. The Agreement is on Page 19 of Gazette 44190 .

The new Agreement has been published on the MIBCO website:

Search Results : gazette 44190 (

Members are reminded that, where they have ceased returns payments to MIBCO, these now have to resume from the effective date.

If you have any questions of queries, please do not hesitate to contact any one of the RMI’s Industrial Relations Specialists deployed throughout our regional offices.