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Regulations for the mandatory display and submission of energy performance certificates for buildings

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The Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy has, under section 19(1)(b) of the National Energy Act, published regulations for the mandatory display and submission of Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) for buildings in Notice 700 of Government Gazette 43792 of 8 December 2020.

EPCs for buildings look like the certificates that you see on new appliances, and indicate the energy performance of a specific building, under the South African National Standard (SANS) 1544:2014.

EPCs are now mandatory for the private sector, non-residential buildings with a total net floor area of over 2000sqm, and government buildings of over 1000sqm.

The due date to comply with the mandatory government regulation is 7 December 2022 which effectively leaves landlords and property owners with approximately five (5) months to obtain and display an EPC in the foyer of their building.

In terms of the regulations the buildings that will require an EPC are:

  • Government buildings of more than 1000 sq. metres,
  • Privately-owned buildings of more than 2000 sq. metres which house offices and entertainment facilities,
  • Educational institution buildings, and
  • Places of public assembly (like sports and community centres).

Landlords who fail to comply risk a possible fine of R5 million – R10 million, five years imprisonment or both, as defined in the mandatory regulations gazetted on 8 December 2020.

The EPC must be displayed at the building’s main entrance and must be submitted to the South African National Energy Development Institute (SANEDI). 

The primary objective in obliging building owners to obtain EPCs is to make them aware of their energy consumption and encourage them to be more energy efficient if their EPC rating is poor. An EPC must be issued by a South African National Accreditation System (SANAS) accredited inspection body.

We encourage all members that fall within the scope of these regulations and require an EPC, to source an accredited service provider to obtain their certificate before the deadline date of 7 December 2022.

Unfortunately, the RMI can’t recommend a preferred provider for this particular service, but with a simple Internet search for EPC certificate providers in South Africa, you will be able to find providers who will be able to assist you.