For many years the Industry has been working towards a tyre repair standard. During 2017 this process was accelerated by the TDAFA through bringing together the various stakeholders of the tyre repair industry in a series of workshops to thrash out the workings of this standard.
Once the stakeholders had managed to reach a consensus as to the content and structure of the Standard, the rough draft was submitted to the SABS Technical Committee for ratification and editing. Following due process of the public commentary periods, all comments were addressed and the final document was then approved for publication. No matter how fast one may wish to proceed through these processes it is imperative for the SABS to follow a cautious approach to the implementation of such standards, thus maintaining the integrity of the standards into the future.
So let’s unpack some of the requirements of this SANS 10408 repairs to tyres, tubes and valves for vehicles.
- The Standard refers to all passenger and commercial tyres
- The Standards specifies the procedures and materials to be used
- The standard has a very comprehensive list of definitions applicable.
- Of tyre structure
- Service of a tyre
- Components of a tyre
- Repairs
- Vehicle Classifications
The most important aspect of the standard is how the repairable areas of the tyre is now set-out and that temporary repairs (string plugs) are only temporary and must be correctly repaired as soon as possible.
The standard refers to tyre inspection before, during and after repairs and the rejection of tyres for repair.
The repair facilities (Dealers) will need to approach the repair materials suppliers for verification of repair staff as tyre repairers, which will ensure the correct application of the materials and the effecting of the repairs. All the tyre repair suppliers have indicated their willingness to engage with the TDAFA members to provide this verification of staff.
The standard stipulates conditions under which tyres are to be deemed “Non-repairable” in various forms of tyres in either passenger or commercial applications.
Repair Limits and Sidewalls
SANS 10408 sets out the limits of the maximum repairable damage and areas of a tyre, and confirms that sidewall repairs may only ever be undertaken by staff specifically trained and verified to conduct side wall repairs.
The final table in the standard provides the calculated values for the repairable areas of tyres according to the width of the tyre in question. This provides a clear distinction between if and how a tyre may be repaired or not.
It is a great marketing opportunity for the TDAFA to be able to provide concrete evidence as to why a particular type of repair cannot be conducted and the need to sell-up to a new tyre, with conviction.
Please make the effort to contact any one or more of the tyre repair suppliers to arrange for verification of your personnel as tyre repairers.
As much as the TDAFA would like to distribute copies of the standard to all members this is strictly prohibited by the SABS. Therefore each dealer can purchase online a copy of the standard directly from the SABS website
The cost of this document is R529.00 including Vat.